Friday, September 13, 2013


Viimasest postitusest on möödunud väga pikk aeg. Kuna blogimine senisel viisil tundub kuidagi natuke mõttetu (vähe tagasisidet ja publikut), siis kolisin lõpuks Facebooki.
Ja seal FBs on läinud tõesti natuke lõbusamalt, kui siin peab mainima. 
Siiski ei taha ma siinkohal kuulutada välja oma blogi kuulsusetut lõppu. Lihtsalt mõtlen, et äkki peaks siia tekkima mingi muu lisaväärtus, mida FB ei paku (on see üldse võimalik?). Või kuidagi muudmoodi uus suund, mis võiks leida lugejaid/jälgijaid/kaasamõtlejaid.
Ettepanekuid? Kui kellegil on mõni tore mõttepoeg, loeksin sellest meeleldi :)
Kitsekesega pluus pildil muidugist iseõmmeldud ja kuulub salajasse sarja KORISTA KANGAKAPPE. 
Ehk siis jupike kangast siit ja jupike sealt, liig ilusad, et lihtsalt ära visata ja iseseisvaks rõivaesemeks armutult vähene kogus. Täiesti toredaid kooslusi võib sedasi tekkida igatahes! Pluus saadaval Tartu Disainimajas, kui kellegil huvi peaks olema, suurus M.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

polka dots and bunnies for Riin

Dress for Riin. Green chiffon with tiny black polka dots and a detachable collar seen HERE.

Monday, July 1, 2013


Made 8 bumbags (what a ugly word - isn´t it?) for SUPELSAKSAD café in Pärnu. For waiters (red lining inside) and waitresses (lined with lots of tiny red shoes) to carry money around their waists. Strawberries, coffe tins, fancy teapots and hand embroidery add some special touch to each bag.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

bunnies and fruit in pink

Collar made for R. to complete her green dress for graduation. Almost all fabrics have a story to tell. Embroidered one is made by my aunt on 50´s. Pink has been bought about 10 years ago and it was part of my sold out skeleton shirt series. Ribbon is ordered from India (actually silk fabric scrap) and was on journey to me about 2 months. Black denim was once -psst!- my beloved pair of jeans -made by me and worn a lot to be soft and washed.  Bunnies design was bought from Etsy.

Friday, June 7, 2013

bunny bunny bunny

Shirt with long sleeve splits. Ivory at the back, bunnies and rose printed silk with some lace at the front. Made for L.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lana dress

Dress for E. Khaki background with bright  details and hand embroidery. Simple jersey dress for those lazy summer days.

Friday, May 24, 2013

summer night collar

Something old, something new, something blue... Some silk scraps from J., antique silk ribbon from India (ordered a bunch of different silk scraps, amazing!), glass beads and no surprise - bugs :)
Available at FRIDA&LONNI.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

agates, bugs and bow

Made some bracelets with glass beads and dragon veins agates. Added a handmade tassel and brass clip with bug print on fabric.
Bow brooch is made a while ago. Just made some pictures before giving all three to sale to FRIDA JA LONNI.
And Saoirse Ronan - she´s a fairy not a human, that´s for sure!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

! oh Frida !

There are not many things/persons/artwork that are on top of my favorites. If you have seen my blog you can even count them - bugs, Liselotte Watkins` art (and never mentioned here, but also Ruth Huimerind´s creations - just got a ENORMOUS  colorful photo "Evening at the kitchen" from her, übercool!) and yes, Frida. I love her work, how she looked, all this esthetics and colors around her.  
Here´s a collar made with inspiration on Mexican embroidery and Frida´s look. And how could I sepparate a colorful bug from this? I could not.
Available at DISAINIMAJA.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Parus caeruleus

Winter is over, but why not to wear blue tits on your collar at springtime? Sky blue jacquard, yellow and cream silk with tiny birds and small silver pearls - like fresh breeze, isn´t it?
Available at DISAINIMAJA later this week.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Again a t-shirt made of leftover fabrics. Sold. It has a sunny life at Bondi beach Australia as a shirt from my previous post, too.
I can probably produce shirts like this for months and my fabric piles will be high enough for a year to continue... Ok,  probably I should switch t-shirts to jackets or skirts after 5 months or so, as jersey stocks will be low... :)

Friday, May 3, 2013


Clean up my piles of fabrics and this is a t-shirt made of leftovers. Some soft viscose, some galaxy print silk, little skull (my signature touch lately), puffed sleeves, Viscacha (squirrel) print and some hand embroidery.
Shirt is sold and has a dream life near Bondi beach, Australia.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

bugs on blouses, 2

One more variation on theme BUGS ON BLOUSES. Sold.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

flower dress

And here it is, my beloved fabric again turned into dress. But I guess you agree with me - those colors and butterflies and flowers are magnificent! Necklace: Zara.