New issue of KÄSITÖÖ is now available! Here is my contribution to the fall issue. You have seen similar gloves here. In the magazine you find tutorial to make your own version.
Here you can see more pictures - how our little predator-model Bruno was acting while we were shooting and other unpublished photos. Grete, our other model, was much more calm!
And all those beautiful photos are made by Ago Pelisaar.
Super kindad ja pildid! Aga seda teine link on kuhugi kadunud, ma tahaks küll veel näha selle shooti pilte :)
ReplyDeleteAitäh, Eliise! :)
ReplyDeleteTegelikult ma mõtlesingi, et siinkohal ehk blogis näeb pilte, mis ajakirja ei jõudnud. Nagu näppu näriv Bruno. Mitte eraldi lingina:) Aga peatselt tuleb unpublished piltidele lisa, järgmistel teemadel siis!